Friday, October 7, 2016

FIFA 17 FAIL Compilation (Demo)

Good evening, everybody! Good evening all my friends and all people around the world! Good evening my beloved country, Indonesia! :-)
How are you today, guys? Are you feel so bored and lonely? Are you feel very sad and decide to suicide soon? Are you feel horrible this day? 

I have a solution! You can see this very very crazy video that can make you guys laugh aloud like psycho. Don't believe? Prove by watch this video! :-D

If you usually play FIFA with your brother or your friends, you must be often meet any glitches like in that video haha :-D

Special thanks to GameSprout for this crazy video. If you like any FIFA fail compilation or any gameplay of other games, you can check his channel on YouTube by clicking this link.

Thank you for the attention! See you next time and bye! :-)

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