Saturday, July 9, 2016

Song Lyrics : "Blue - All Rise"

Good afternoon everybody! Good afternoon world! Good afternoon Indonesia!

What's up, guys? How are you today? Feel bored and starting hate yourself? No no no, its not good dude. You must listen "All Rise" from Blue now. Check this song lyrics below and sing it aloud :D! 

Image source:

Blue - All Rise

Your honor please
Gotta believe what I say
What I will tell
Happened just the other day
I must confess
Cause I've had about enough
I need your help
Gotta make this here thing stop
Baby I swear I'll tell the truth
About all the things you used to do
And if you thought you had me fooled
I'm telling you now objection overruled
Here we go, oh baby
One for the money and the free rides it's
Two for the lies that you denied
All rise, all rise
Three for the calls you've been making
Four for the times you've been faking
All rise, all rise (I'm gonna tell it o your face I rest my case)
You're on the stand
With your back against the wall
Nowhere to run
And nobody you can call oh no
I just can't wait
Now the case is open wide
You'll try to pray
But the jury will decide
Baby I swear I'll tell the truth
About all the things you used to do
And if you thought you had me fooled
I'm telling you now objection overruled
One for the money and the free rides it's
Two for the lies that you denied
All rise, all rise
Three for the calls you've been making,
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise, all rise (I'm gonna tell it o your face I rest my case)
So step back 'cause you don't know this cat
I know deep down that
You don't want me to react
I lay low
Leaving all my options open
The decision of the jury
Has not been spoken
Step in my house
You find that your stuff has gone
But in reality to whom
Does the stuff belong?
I bring you into court
To preach my order
And you know that
You overstep the border
One for the money and the free rides it's
Two for the lies that you denied
All rise, all rise
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise, all rise
One for the money and the free rides it's
Two for the lies that you denied
All rise, all rise
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise, all rise
One for the money and the free rides it's
Two for the lies that you denied
All rise, all rise
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise, all rise (I'm gonna tell it o your face I rest my case)

Have a good day, guys! :)

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1437 Hijriah

Selamat sore everybody! Selamat siang Nganjuk Kota Angin! Selamat datang Indonesiaku!

Sumber gambar :

Gimana kabarnya kalian? Sehat? Alhamdulillah... bagus deh kalo kalian baik-baik aje. Masih puasa? Ya elah... ini kan lagi suasana lebaran bray ngapain juga puasa? Mending makan opor ayam + ketupat ato makan kue-kue kering gitu. Kan lumayan tuh daripada lumanyun hehehe. Bosen sama opor? Ya makan yang laen gitu nasi pecel atau bebek goreng gitu kan nikmat tuh keliatannya (Soalnye gue kaga makan itu menu selama bulan Ramadhan sampe lebaran ini makanya gue bilang "keliatannya" hehehe). Yang berpuasa Nabi Dawud atau yang berniat ngganti puasa yang pada bulan Ramadhan lalu yang pada bolong silahkan aja tapi ya jangan nyalahin orang-orang yang pada makan selama lebaran ini (yang berarti elu banyak godaan selama berpuasa hehehe tapi kaga papa kan pahala elu bakal berlipat seiring banyak godaan yang mendekat itu menurut gue aja sih kaga tau yang bener kek gimana hehehe). Oh ya, gue udah lama kaga jumpa kalian ya (kira-kira udah 4 hari gue kaga posting). Portugal membungkan Bale dkk 2-0 sama skornya kayak Perancis menang 2 goal tanpa balas yang kedua goalnya dicetak oleh Antoine Griezmann. Selamat buat kedua tim yang lolos ke babak final yang akan dilangsungkan besok dan ditayangkan di RCTI pukul 02.00. Kalian dukung yang mana? Portugal yang nyaris tanpa kemenangan di waktu normal? atau tuan rumah Perancis yang hampir selalu menyuguhkan penampilan yang meyakinkan? Gue sebenernya mau prediksi siapa yang bakal keluar sebagai juara di EURO 2016 nanti tapi gue inget kalau prediksi gue selama ini kaga pernah bener kayak Wales bakal memupuskan harapan Portugal di babak semifinal atau Jerman bakal mengalahkan Perancis yang notabene jagoan gue di EURO 2016. Mirip badluck brian ya gue? hehehe makanya gue kaga maen prediksi-prediksian lagi kali ini. Semoga tim terbaik yang menjadi juaranya. 

Segitu dulu ya dari gue, akhir kata wassalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh :)